Saturday, November 29, 2014

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

This Broker daughter is worth the trip to Dixon no matter where you live - Breathtaking!
LOT 03: Broker x Final Answer x Maine - 1/2 Simmental, MaineTainer

A full sister to the reigning Supreme Champion Female at the Ohio State Fair...
LOT 04: Yardley High Regard W242 x TJSC So Sweet 104X - PB Simmental

Two outstanding daughters of Dunk's hot donor Whiskey Girl!
LOT 28: The Ringer x Hadley’s Whiskey Girl 23Y - MaineTainer, Low % Chi

LOT 29: Monopoly x Hadley’s Whiskey Girl 23Y - Low % Chi

Friday, November 28, 2014

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

Selling one of the most unique females to ever be a part of the Divas & Donors...
A January Opportunist daughter out of Hoffman's Frontline donor.
The kind of Angus that makes the crossbreds run and hide!

LOT 22: BSF Opportunist x Frontline - PB Angus

LOT 39: I-80 x Liquid Asset x Dream On - MaineTainer
LOT 08: Broker x Harrietta (April) - 1/2 Simmental

LOT 09: Broker x Harrietta (January) - 1/2 Simmental

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

The beginning of the 30X legacy.
LOT 05: Steel Force x 30X (Next Big Thing x Lucky Break) - PB Simmental
3 PB daughters of the young legend 30X - all 3 by different hot sires - all 3 smokin' good!
LOT 06: Shocking Dream x 30X - PB Simmental
You need to see these young ladies in person... See you in Dixon!
LOT 07: A Step Up x 30X - PB Simmental

Monday, November 24, 2014

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

Our Divine "Snow" Queens...
LOT 24: Firewater x 0641 - Purebred Charolais

LOT 25: Turton x Yellow Jacket x Heat Wave - Composite Charolais

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

LOT 34: Frisky Whiskey x Friction - MaineTainer

LOT 36: Maternal Perfection x Angus x Witch Doctor - MaineTainer

Saturday, November 22, 2014

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

LOT 14: Broker x Obsession - PB Simmental

LOT 15: Shocking Dream x Obsession - PB Simmental

Friday, November 21, 2014

DIVAS OF THE DAY { the ELITE } - Sell December 14th

LOT 10: Broker x Hara's Miss America - 3/4 Simmental

LOT 11: Pilgrim x Hara's Miss America - 3/4 Simmental

Divas and Donors and DUDE - Selling December 14th at the Divas & Donors ELITE in Dixon, IL

LOT 16: Broker x Upgrade x Meyer - Purebred Simmental

LOT 17: Broker x Star Power - 3/4 Simmental

* Selling Choice of Lot 20x and Lot 21x (Full Sisters)
LOT 20x: Mama's Boy x Dunk Lucy - 1/4 Simmental

* Selling Choice of Lot 20x and Lot 21x (Full Sisters)
LOT 21x: Mama's Boy x Dunk Lucy - 1/4 Simmental

LOT 44: CSCX Fast Lane - Optimus Prime x Hailey's Diamond (Make It Rain)
*Selling half interest and full possession - Polled Purebred Simmental Bull